Ok, by the looks of it, y'all aren't enjoying Radio Cristina. Where are the comments? (Christine, where you at?!)
Well, since pics seem more popular, here are a few from Jason's camera. Sorry, it's all out of order again...I hate blogger!
Tyler's final art project in art class. (I did most of it, but he was really proud. ;)
Thanksgiving Family Picture.
Here is Tyler right after coming out from a bath. I love his little face!
Tyler was getting ready to go to bed and I just had to take this picture of him. He is growing up so fast!
Some pictures taken on Thanksgiving Day. Gosh, we took so many but I still didn't get one that I like! I think this was the last one we took. Look at how annoyed Tyler is!
Tyler is telling Chase to stop.
Stephanie came over to play with Tyler. Here, they were doing some crafts together. Thanks Steph!
Sophia and John came to visit us! Yay! We had so much fun!
Thanks for reading to us, Auntie Sophia!
I think this pic of Chase is cute. Doesn't he look like he is saying, "Rock on!"
I made Tyler wear this hat when he opened the door to welcome guest to our house for Thanksgiving. Jason said he couldn't believe that I wasted money on it!
Chase loves Santa. When you ask him what Santa says, he replies, "Ho ho ho!"
Tyler giving Chase a kiss. awww...
The kiddy table at Thanksgiving dinner. Tyler was so happy to spend the day with his cousins.
We went to the beach and made the boys hold hands to take this pic. haha.
The boys love goofing around!
Messing around.
Cousins on Thanksgiving Day.
Chase looking out at the beach.
My baby Chase.
Tyler eating his breakfast of french toast and odd shaped apples.
Biking at the beach.
Tyler graduated his art class and had a little ceremony! Cute!