Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Random thoughts:

1. I just realized that we lost about 120 dollars worth of boy clothes on our cruise and hotel stay in Vancouver. Makes me so sad when I lose things! I know it's only 120 dollars but mad at myself. I feel like I'm always losing things when we travel. I mean, how hard is it to double check the room and make sure I get everything. I will NEVER let this happen again!! So mad at myself!! Urgh!!

2. Totally random, but I hated Miley Cryus's VMA performance. I didn't watch the whole show but just saw a little clip of her. It just wasn't cute or anything! First thought I had is, I would not be wearing that if I had a butt like hers! And second thought, what if I was watching this with the boys? I would have been irate because isn't the VMA suppose to be a family show? Third thought, wow...desperate for attention. Fourth thought, just so dumb.... anyways, just on my mind right now.

3. Is it already Fall? Fall is usually my favorite season. I usually love it and look forward to it, but this year...not so much! I want to keep the sun for as long as possible. I'm not looking forward to gray skies and rain or cold weather this year...yuck!!! I guess because the boys will be in school so much and I feel like I will be so alone. Ah, poor me! At least I have Kali. :)

So guess that is it for now...easing myself back into this thing called blogging!


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