Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, October 24, 2011

nothing to really write about but thought i would just log on to say hi! :)

tyler is really into "pop" music lately and loves singing along to hit songs. it's so funny, actually. his first song that he had memorized was baby by justin bieber and then at school, he learned dynamite in his music class. (guess that is why we send him to school!).

i'm really love running lately! nothing like hitting second wind and feeling like you are on top of the world! one dream of mine is to run some sort of race with the boys when they are older. i told jason and he said "oh, you will be so old then!" haha.... nothing like complete honesty from your husband! no really, though, that would be a dream come true! (tyler and chase, you know what song we will play when we are done with the race, right?!'

oh, rich got offered a FAT job last week! we are all so proud of him. yay, you go, rich!

ok, ttyl!

Sunday, October 16, 2011

congrats to jess and rich on their engagement!! i can't believe my baby brother is getting married! ahh!!!

Friday, October 14, 2011

some pics from my cell phone before i erase them. when chase saw this sign, he asked, "why does the woman only have one leg?" made me laugh.

chase and his rascal face. this was at neela and nirav's party. love his happy face.

going to a daddy son event for work. i just like this picture. it is blurry but i'm so glad that i captured the moment with my cell phone. tyler was so excited to go to this event with daddy.

in front of ro's house. think this sign is funny!

tyler brought this home from school in september. i guess he likes to read..what a nerd! haha... i like the top part where it reads, "i am happiest when i am with my family."
did i ever post this pic of tyler with his juijitsu instructors? i don't know what jason was thinking when he signed tyler up for this. i definitely had missed feelings about it in the beginning. once in awhile, i still ask him if he wants to stop doing it and he always answers that he wants to continue and likes to do it.

i tried to put eyeliner on the bottom of my eyes. i always want to do this but think it looks funny on me. :( thought i would post a pic of myself because people always tell me that i don't post enough pics of myself on this site. 
tyler was working on his desk the other day and i looked over his shoulder and this is what he was working on. i asked him what it was and he said he is thinking of how to build his robot and what his robot would do. he is sooo funny!

a rare picture of me, claudia, rich, and sara at heidi's wedding. we really should take more pics together, guys! we're not getting any younger! haha....

lastly, isn't this song sooooo beautiful. there is something so pure and wonderful about tracy chapman's voice. i love this version of stand by me.

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

some more random pics. at the mall with chase. he just stood there holding his balloon for the longest time. he said he didn't want the other kids trying to steal it. he just looked funny so i took a picture of him.

at a local museum, they had an exhibit to see how doctors perform surgeries using robots. since this is the exact machine that jason uses, it was very exciting for the boys!

at a family event for jason's work.

last pic is of tyler in his school uniform. so cute to see all the kids dressed in their uniforms! ok, talk to you all later!

some random pics. chase's first day of preschool.

"i don't want to go in, mommy!" at first, he was a bit shy.

on our way to a weekend in monterey. it got too sunny so tyler used my hat.

on our way to the aquarium.

tour of monterey.

can't come here and not have the clam chowder. right, chase?

scenic drive to carmel.

the boys. i was too cold to get out of the car so i just took this picture from the car.

in monterey.

beach in carmel.

having fun!

chase getting a haircut.

in oakland.

having our first korean meal at a restaurant since our move. yummy!

at the aquarium. sorry the pics are out of order!

a weekend in sf.

lunch with auntie jess and uncle rich.

our hotel was by this park and this is all the boys wanted to do!

lots of walking.

on our way up to rich's office.

hotel waiting for daddy.

thought i would try to take an artsy picture. :)

chase getting his belt in karate.

waiting for our double decker bus in sf. do you see it in the background?

brotherly love!

Sunday, October 09, 2011

random thoughts:

1. i love weekends, don't you? it's so quiet and nice in the house today! we're not rushing here and there and i feel like we're on our own schedule. love it. i totally wish i could homeschool the boys so we could just be on our own schedule and not feel so rushed all the time. can you believe i fill up my car with gas every saturday since the boys started school?! i think that means i drive about 450 miles a week! wish i didn't have to do that. what a waste of gas, energy, time.... i know tyler could do "school" in the same time it takes me to drop him off and pick him up! why not homeschool? jason is totally against it!

2. i must totally be PMSing because i eaten everything in sight the last two days. oh, and do i crave chocolate on these days!

3. yesterday, we went to a benihana style restaurant for dinner. got a groupon and it was only $35 for a dinner for 4 adults! so cheap right? the group next to us with four adults didn't have a groupon and i am sure their dinner was about $100! gotta love groupon! chase loved the whole experience and said he wanted to work there when he grows up.

4. today, we're planning on taking the boys to a pumpkin patch. we also have a groupon for this so they will enjoy a corn maze and pony rides for real cheap! gotta love saving money! :)

5. tyler has somewhat of a obsessive personality. when we first move here, i would let them watch he- man on netflix while i tried to clean up the house. he got obsessed with that! then, he got really obsessed with time! yes- time! he would look at the clock so many times that we had to tell him to stop looking at it! he would memorize when events started and when they ended. he could tell us when he went to sleep and woke up on any given day. it was kind of amazing, funny, and dorky all at the same time. now he is obsessed with paper planes. he has a paper plane book and he is making his way through the book. he is a character and we love him for being him! :) 

just asked tyler when he went to sleep last night and woke up this morning and he said, "went to sleep at 7:50 and woke up at 7:29. came into your bed at 3:07." haha... he is so funny!

6. chase gives the best hugs. for awhile, he would rub backs when he hugged. now, he gives slight squeezes when he hugs and it is adorable. chase, do you remember when you used to do this?!

ok, just a little update here from roseville! :) hope you are doing well! have a great week!

oh, the weather here is roseville is cooling off and it's actually really nice these day...yay! i'm not melting away here! it's weird though, because it still doesn't feel like "home." i'll go get some coffee at starbucks or something here and i feel like i'm on vacation or something. it quite doesn't feel like we LIVE here. kind of strange, huh?

oh, and speaking of coffee... i FINALLY registered my card at and have reached "green" card status. :) i was excited and told jason and he said, "talk to me when you are black card status." haha...he is such a starbucks snob! can you believe he goes every single day!