Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Yesterday night, it dawned on me that Tyler's 5th birthday passed us and I didn't give him a birthday card. In previous years, I wrote cards to him each year in hopes to give it to him one day, but this year I realized that didn't have to wait for "one day" because the little fella knows how to read!

It was late at night and I didn't want to go around looking for a card. I was already on the computer so I decided to just type up a letter for him. After I printed it, I folded it and wrote "To: Tyler, From: Mommy" and left it on the floor in his room in hopes that he would find it in the morning. Well, in the morning he came to my room and told me he read the letter and smiled.

A few minutes later he said, "I wish I got a card instead." I wasn't mad AT ALL by this statement. He is only five years old and he was only saying what was on his mind and he probably thinks of birthday wishes to be in cards, but I thought this would be the perfect time to teach him a big lesson.

We have a rule in this house. If you get something from someone- anything- and you wish for something else out loud, the gift that you were given is taken away immediately. I just think that ungrateful kids are so ugly! (I don't ever even want to hear my boys say that they want to return a gift that someone gave them! It's one thing for an adult to return something that someone else gave them, but I find it weird and spooky about a kid that is so open to returning a gift that someone else has gotten him.) This rule came from the fact that I have had kids in my class say to me that they wanted something else when I gave them something as a teacher. For example, sometimes on Fridays, I would take some kids over to eat lunch at Wendys across the street where I used to work and can you believe that some kids would say, "I wish we could eat somewhere else." I wanted to slap them! Here I was trying to do something nice and they would say out loud that they wanted something else!

So I said, "Tyler, you know the rule. I am so sorry, but I will have to take this letter from you." Harsh? Maybe. But sometimes, I think you it takes something like this to make a big impact. Plus I didn't think he would take it that badly. Maybe a "Ah, mom, I am sorry, please don't take it away." BUT NO! Tyler started bawling and saying he was so sorry. I felt horrible for making him cry and for starting off the day on a terrible note. Of course, I told him that he could keep the letter but that he would have to be more careful with his words in the future if someone goes out of their way to do something or get something for him.

Like I said, I don't know if this was too harsh, but it's something that I'm very passionate about teaching my boys. I don't ever want them to think they DESERVE anything or EXPECT anything from people, and I want to raise boys who have a thankful heart.... thankful of the all the little things as much as the perceived big things.


Monday, April 19, 2010

If you like the look of Tyler's birthday pictures below, please ask me for the photographer's info! She will come to any party (2-3) hours (or even just a family shoot) and edit pictures afterwards for $100. She will even give you a cd with all the pictures in it at no extra charge. She is super friendly, good with kids and loves what she does! I wish I could post some of her other pictures on here because she takes super creative photos. Most of her pics look like ads out of an Urban Outfitters catalogue- think hippies in tall grass kind of look (She didn't do this look for Tyler, but she would have if I asked her). If you like that look and want something a bit different and fresh, ask me for her info!!

Saturday, April 17, 2010

A video to all you moms out there. I was warned that I might cry when I watched this video. I told myself it was just a silly video and I wouldn't. But when I saw the pictures of the empty rooms and the picture of a car loaded up with boxes to go to college, I teared up thinking about Tyler and Chase leaving me one day. It was a good reminder to cherish every moment I have with them.

Friday, April 16, 2010

Here are some pictures from Tyler's 5th birthday last month! He picked to have a Diego theme party at the park and dressed up like Diego. We also had some critters join the party since Diego is an animal rescuer.

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

I had an epiphany the other day. Do I bitch too much about my life in here? I don't mean to at all, but I think as most bloggers know, it's easiest to write when things get frustrating or annoying because writing on the computer is such an easy outlet to let out any anger. I mean, it's all my thoughts and no one can answer that I am not to feel this way or anything like that. Does that make sense?

Anyways, I was thinking that I must be giving Jason a bad rap in here and so here is my "Jason post" for y'all who ever wondered what kind of guy I married.

Jason is a man's man. Nothing girly about him whatsoever. He is not sentimental, sensitive and he doesn't show his emotions. He is the most even tempered guy I have ever met. He doesn't have highs and lows, which I honestly had HUGE problems with in the beginning when he didn't show any HIGHS when he was around me... I mean, shouldn't he be doing jumping jacks and dancing in the streets to be around such an amazing woman, I used to think and, oh, didn't I let him know it. :) He is constantly in the state of contentment and is content with anything that is thrown at him. Like I said, he is never overly happy or sad. He is content with the state of things. He lets things be as they are. He doesn't feel the need to change things that are happening around us or things that cannot be changed.

So, that brings me to the next faucet of Jason. In his little akuta matada state, he NEVER nags me. EVER. He never tells me that I have to do something a certain way. He has never told me to clean up the house or make him a nice dinner- and trust me, he could have. He has never scolded me or told me to raise the boys any differently than I am. He has never told me to dress differently, get a different haircut, or tell me to be someone that I'm not. Never told me to spend less money or not to do something that I wanted to do (well, he might beg me to change the date, but you get the idea.)

We are a team. We totally work together. I know that sometimes I write on here that I'm doing a lot of the home stuff around here while Jason's at work. Well, to be fair, maybe I should write that he did everything on a to do list of 15 items around the house this weekend. Maybe I should add that he talks and plays with the boys like NO OTHER father I have ever met.

Claudia describes him best when she says, "Cristina, Jason is the most simple man to figure out. He loves his children with everything. Sometimes, he needs some quiet time to just be in his thoughts. He hates to be nagged. He likes to eat a good meal every now and then- doesn't even have to be home cooked- just like a good meal. Probably would like to get some lovin' once in awhile. He works hard, comes home, and all he really asks is that the you and the children are happy." So true.

I think it's just IN married women to complain about their husbands. Why? Well, probably because our men aren't perfect and it's funny to hear stories of husbands filthy socks laying around and how they don't help around the house. And, I'm no different. I think it's funny to talk about the little things Jason does to irk me, but I've said this before. Jason is the perfect man for me. Perfect. He took this selfish, self centered girl and turned her into a woman! (Now, I'm sounding like a country singer!) I know that I would be miserable lady somewhere making another man miserable if I never met Jason.

So, here is my post to the man who will never read this. :)

Monday, April 12, 2010

There is something that Chase does that reminds me 100% of Jason. It's Chase's smile. I love it. It's not really a smile and it looks so forced. When I used to take pictures of Jason before we had Chase, I would always give Jason a hard time and tell him that he was faking whenever he smiled in pictures. But then Chase was born and I realized that Jason was never faking....that forced look IS their smile! When Jason and I want a laugh, we ask Chase to smile.

Chasey, mommy loves your smile! :) Oh, and Tyler, you know whose smile you have, right? It's perfect too!

Sunday, April 11, 2010

I haven't been good about taking pictures at all the last two months, but here are some random ones!

Sitting on Tyler's bed.

Another one in Tyler's room.

Tyler likes to make hats and put them on his head.

Chase and his friend playing "volleyball" with a balloon.

Tyler's favorite activity is rollerskating with his daddy.

Spanish class.

Tyler practicing the piano.

Music teacher comes once a week to school.

Tyler with mommy.

Tyler's letter to his friend Neela. I only helped him write the word whole and he wrote everything else himself!

Letter to daddy about two months ago.

Goofy's kitchen for Brady's birthday. So sad we didn't get any of the birthday boy!

Goofy's kitchen was so much fun with all the characters that come out! Thanks Brady!

We have some "girl" toys for the girls at the school.

I think the boys like playing with it!

Chase mad on the treadmill. I love it when he makes this face because you can really see his fat! Thanks hyoeun for the golfclubs!

Tyler took this pic of me at a restaurant.

Tyler insisted he buy this hat!

Chase's room. We thought we were so creative when we got a daybed and turned it around to make a "crib." ;)

Chase talking on the phone with Uncle Rich. We wish he didn't move to SF so we could see him more often!

This is how Chase eats a strange!

Brothers forever!


One art lesson we did this month. Add various amounts of white to turn the black into different shades of gray. The one with the C is mine.

Chase is my big boy. Every time I see a pic of our house, I want to bust out some paintbrushes...the walls are so white! My next project is to paint some of the walls!

Painting with two balls.

At the airport to pick up grandma and grandpa from Korea.

They were really happy to see the boys!