Hello, we made it to Korea safely. Whew...the flight wasn't as bad as I had braced myself for. The boys slept about half the time and time went pretty quickly. Everyone told me that the weather in Korea was beautiful right now, but it is in the 50s and I am cold! Too bad I only brought one jacket with me. Rats! Right now the kids and I are in the hotel, and I am waiting for my cousin to call me. She said she would call me when she woke up and it is about 9:00 in the morning right now. I hope she didn't forget about me! Jason is at his conference and I am scared to go out by myself! The boys are getting restless and if my cousin doesn't call, I might have to venture out on my own....scary!
Spaz Attack
Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
I should be packing or sleeping right now. What am I doing on the computer?!! Well, I finally uploaded the pics from my camera and I wanted to share some more pictures from Kris and Chris's wedding. I didn't get to take that many pictures but the wedding was soooo beautiful! Kris, you did an awesome job planning!
Pictures are out of order again...sorry. I have so many pictures with Josephine at our table. For this picture, I think we said we would look "hard." As you can tell, we had a bit too much to drink. Poor Jason, we made him take pictures of us!
Picture wih hubby towards the end of the night. Jason also had too much to drink!
Veronica and Kristen in the limo to the wedding site. Kristen was cool and calm.
Girls at the rehearsal dinner. Did we or didn't we plan to dress in these colors? What cha think?
Girls at the rehearsal. Kristen looked like a living doll in her Korean hanbok!
Dude, Jason cut the boys' hair today and he made them look like Dumb and Dumber. I have to get it cut again in Korea for sure. It is so bad that everytime we look at them, Jason and I bust up laughing...now that is just sad.
Yesterday, I met up with a friend who I haven't seen in a couple of years and when she saw me, the first words out of her mouth was, "Dude, you look old!" haha. I know, it's so sad but true. The only thing I could say back to her was, "We ain't getting younger!" Isn't that the sad truth?! Oh wells. I've decided to embrace it...aging, that is. What else can you do? So sad. ;)
I'll try to post in Korea, but if not, see you guys in about ten days! Love, Cristina
I woke up really early today. Though we are leaving for Korea tomorrow, I guess I'm just really excited and couldn't sleep. Chase has been sleeping A LOT better lately (going to sleep at 9:00 instead of 11:00)...thank God! Right now, I'm really anxious about our trip. I have no idea what to pack. Jason says that it's no big deal if we forget something cause we could easily buy stuff there when we get there but I'm still worried! I kept asking Rich if I should take our single stroller, double stroller or back carrier, and he said whichever one.."You're not going to another planet!" I'm really worried about the flight to and from Korea. Even our short flight to Virginia was painful so I'm sure this one will be torturous. I've packed crayons, books, toys, new DVDs, and even lollipops for the flight. Anything to bribe them!
When I was giving my presentation at moms group, one mom said, "Sometimes it's all too much to be teaching your kids at a young age. What is the point? Is it for bragging rights?" She apologized to me after my talk, which she didn't have to do at all. I understand where she is coming from. Kids should be kids. But, I wish she would understand that you can teach your kids so much from a young age. It's not about MAKING them learn by twisting their arms and making them miserable or anything like that. It's about exposing them to more and if they get it, GREAT!! It's not about stressing them out! Young kids LOVE learning and they all think they are so smart. What a great time to teach them things in a FUN WAY!! It's a shame when parents don't take full advantage of this time of least resistance!:)
Well, I'm packing and cleaning up today. We're off tomorrow!
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Hello y'all! How we all doing? Sorry I haven't written in here in awhile. I always feel like I'm going to lose my ten readers if I don't update regularly, so sorry, peoples! Just stick me with me, OK?
So I have nothing really to write about so I'm just going to type aimlessly and whatever I end up with, I will post. Sounds like a little fun experiment, huh?
Can I just freeze Tyler at this age? He says the cutest things all day long and cracks me up. Today we went to see the bubble show at the Discovery Center. In the morning while we were getting ready, Chase wasn't listening so I told him that he wasn't going to come with us to the show. Tyler heard me and said, "No, my brother LOVES bubbles." Oh, the way he said "my brother" and "loves" just melted my heart.
Chase is talking more. I can't say that it is clear, but I, being his mommy, am the only person to understand what he is saying. :) The cutest thing he says is "mommy," of course. And even cuter than that is, "Mommy, where are you?"
I can't say that I am the always the peppy mom. This morning, Tyler and Chase was calling me so many times. "Mom.." "Mommy.." "Mom..." "Mommy..." I was getting so aggravated that I said to Tyler, "Don't say mom in the mornings." I can't believe I said that to him!
Tyler has a play date with his girl friend, Natalie tomorrow. He told me he was going to marry her. When I looked shocked and said, "You're not going to marry me?" (because he has always said that he would marry me), he said that he changed his mind and he would marry me. Like I said, can I just freeze him please?
Friday is my presentation at church. Wish me luck. I pretty much know what I am going to say, and I just hope someone gets something out of it! So the presentation is about how to be your child's first teacher, academically speaking, but I felt that I needed to add this to my last page:
That you love, love, love him unconditionally.
TELL HIM that he is the perfect child that God sent to you.
Be that mom whose face lights up when you see YOUR child.
Be that mom who wakes your child up with a hug every morning.
Be that mom who laughs at every joke your child tells you (even if you don’t get it.)
I just thought about my mom when I wrote it. My mom always told us that we were the cutest, the smartest (what big lies. She was a great mom, but a big liar!), and that she was lucky to have us as her kids. When I look back, there is one thing amazes me about my mom. That is that she never compared me to anyone. Never. She has never said, "Why can't you be more like this person?" Never. You know, Claudia always got the better grades, but my mom never once said, "Claudia gets straight A's. Why can't you?" Never. You know what she used to say instead? She would say, "I know my kids and they all have different gifts." So, when I hear moms telling their child to be more like someone else (especially siblings), it makes me want to throw up. Also, another thing that makes me cringe is when I hear mom say, "Just wait till you have your own child." when her child has disappointed her." My mom said those same words, but she only said it when she was proud of me. She would say, "I can't wait till you have a daughter just like you so you will know how it feels to be this proud." She showed us every day that she loved us unconditionally. I think that is the most important thing you could teach your child so I felt the need to put it in my talk. Hopefully, they don't think it is too cheesy and throw up on me or throw tomatoes my way.
After the presentation, I'm full on getting ready for Korea mode. Then we leave on the 22nd. Wish me luck! I am excited about going to Korea but so scared about the boys at the same time.
Oh, and when I come back from Korea, I'm doing somewhat of a little experiment. I am going to sleep every night for at least 8 hours for two weeks and see how I feel. Maybe then I won't tell Tyler things like not to call my name in the mornings.
Bye! Bye! Good night! Off to bed I go...
Friday, April 10, 2009
Thursday, April 09, 2009
I spent time and money yesterday to dye my hair back to black. I look goth. I am always unhappy about my hair!!! I like the light hair look, but then it looks so unnatural and makes me look like I wish I were still in college. I like black hair cause it looks natural but I hate that it is so boring and blah! I have to tell myself that my hair doesn't MAKE me, I make my hair, darn it! :) So, I told myself that I am not going to do anything to it for the next three years. Wish me luck because I will be really sad about this in about 6 months. Actually, even if I wanted to, I couldn't do anything to my hair because once you dye it dark, it's hard to go back lighter. Did I tell you, I'm always unhappy about my hair?
The people from the Shopping Confessions asked me to write a little something about myself for them to post on their site. I started writing it, and this is all I came up with. "I am a stay at home mom with two young boys, ages 4 and 1. I live in Orange County, California. I just dyed my hair black yesterday and now I look goth. I'm always unhappy about the color of my hair and don't know what to do with it. I don't think cotton can help me with my problem, but maybe the prize money can get me some nice wigs. PS. A double eyelid suddenly appeared on my right eye and doesn't look to be going away."
I don't think they will like my bio. I have to keep working on it, I guess.
Monday, April 06, 2009
When I got my hair colored, I knew there would come a day when I would totally regret it. Today is that day. I am so upset at myself for coloring it. Now, I will have to either keep coloring it (such a colossal waste of time) or have it grow out (which means I will have two colors on my head for at least two years). My natural hair is healthy looking and very straight. Why the heck did I go damage my hair, making it look like hay, to look like Ronald McDonald?! So mad at myself!
At mom's group, someone asked me to do a presentation on how to be your child's first teacher. I guess she thinks I qualify to give such a speech because I was a classroom teacher before I had Chase. I don't know. I am hesitant. I don't want to insult anyone. I don't want to waste their time. I don't know how in depth I should go into the different subjects. I just don't know! She just told me to just tell them things I do with Tyler. How could it be THAT different from what the other moms are doing now? I can't say no because I really respect the girl who asked me (plus, she said she won't take no for an answer). I am going to stress out about it until it is over. This will consume me for the next two weeks. Wish me luck!
Thursday, April 02, 2009
I just sent an email to a whole bunch of people by accident. I clicked on "reply all" when I meant to click on "reply." Opps! The email is harmless, but I am embarrassed anyways. Sorry if you got this email!
A couple of days ago, I felt someone kissing me on the forehead while I slept. At first, I thought it was Jason, but in my dazed state, I saw a short shadow walk away, and then I fell back asleep. When I completely woke up, I asked Tyler if he kissed me and he said yes. And then he told me that he also kissed Chase on the forehead while Chase slept. I asked him why he did that and he said, "Because I love you guys!" Awww, the joy of my life...
I always hold the boys and tell them that they are the "joy of my life." The other day, Tyler was in his room and I heard him say to someone, "You are the joy of my life." I peeked into his room and he was saying it to his teddy bear! Kids do repeat everything!
Welcome Alexis into this world. I know you will be beautiful and sweet just like your mom. Jee Soo, now the fun begins!
I thought my friends should be the first ones to hear-- I won the Shopping Confessions Contest, and I just found out that the prize is going to be even greater than I expected (I don't know why, but I'm not asking!). Yay!!! So excited. It will come in handy when we are in Korea. Thanks for voting for me!
Chase slept so much last night...I love it! He is actually still sleeping right now. Most babies sleep about 14 hours a day but my lovely little fella here usually only sleeps about 11 hours a day. Crazy, huh? I think that is so unfair that some moms get about three more hours of rest! I've actually cried about this fact before, like cried with real tears. Haha.
What's on the schedule today? Felicia is not coming today so we are going to take pictures with the Easter Bunny, walk around the mall and then Tyler has his school skills program at Gymboree from 1:00-3:00 (Chase and I will walk around a pet store and Target at this time) Fun times with the boys!
And then tomorrow, I go to mom's group at Newsong from 9:15-12:30. I just love it. I come out of there refreshed, ready for the week, and wanting to be a better mom, wife, daughter, sister...person! The ladies empower and motivate me. They are creative, funny, smart, beautiful, caring, and I learn so much from every mom in the group. Truly a great bunch of moms and I feel so lucky that we live in Irvine so I could be a part of this group.