Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I'm trying to plan a little vacation for our family the last week of June but I have NO idea where to go! Can you please help me?! Do you know of a cool, kid friendly place in California? We've been to SFand SD. We went to Yosemite last summer and I swore I would never go back. Any hidden places that you know of? If not, we might end up either going to SF again or having another "staycation!" I even thought of getting a hotel in LA so we could be "tourists" in LA... and go to LA Natural History Museum, Getty, etc.... but that wouldn't be fun (for me!) at all! Any ideas?

Friday, June 11, 2010

Two sites I like to visit when I need a good laugh:

Random thoughts....

1. The boys and I are planning a quiet day at home this morning.  I feel like we don't spend that much quiet relaxed time at home so I'm very much looking forward to this morning. I love feeling so free this morning that I will most likely not join moms group in the Fall. Kind of feel sad about this but at the same time, I think I will need it for my sanity.

2. We just got a retractable screen put up in our home and I can't believe we didn't do it sooner! I  love the breeze in the house without having to worry about all the bugs that will fly in. What a great inventrion!

3. One way Tyler and Chase are different. When Tyler gets in trouble, he is genuinely sad and upset and will often cry with remorse. When Chase gets in trouble, he will look guilty for a second as if he knows that he should and then he will proceed to laugh in our faces. Even if I put Chase in time out, he will come out of it singing a tune and hopping away like the just saw Santa Claus! He is my carefree little fella!

4. I love sweetened evaporated milk on shaved ice. I know, very random....but that's why it's call random thoughts!

5. I'm thinking of getting a desktop for Tyler but Jason thinks that I'm being a little crazy. What do you think? At what age should a child get his/her own computer? We have laptops here that I guess he could use, but wouldn't it be easier for him to learn and play on a bigger desktop?

4. A crayon found its way into the dryer yesterday and now that batch of clothes is completely ruined. Any ideas how to take specks of crayon out of clothes?!!! oh, the joys of motherhood!

Have a great weekend!

Sunday, June 06, 2010

For Memorial Day, we had a little "staycation" at a nearby hotel. Katie and Claudia joined us for a bonfire and the kids gorged on s'mores. It was so relaxing!

Some random pics of the boys this month. Lots of days at the community pool with daddy.
A couple of days with Mickey!
Relaxing at home.
Dora and Diego dolls from grandma and grandpa. Man, it's hard to get Chase to smile for pictures!

"Tyler, what do you see in the Korean paper?"

" What is daddy doing in the paper?! Huh? I'm confused!"

Thanks Uncle Rich and Auntie Jess for my cool new hat and my "organic" tee! I can't wait to see you this weekend!

Here, Tyler is sporting my favorite color of the moment- purple! Is it weird to want to dress my sons like my crush? Can you guess who? Justin Bieber! Don't be surprised if Tyler and Chase have Justin Bieber hair when you see them next time!

Some art that Tyler did on his own. The first one is a picture he drew of Chase. I thought it was hilarious! The second one is a sculpture he did. He called it "My Gym" because he said it was him, Chase, and his two friends playing with two balls at My Gym.

I finally got some more recent pics of Sara! She is already 6 months old!

My silly boys!