Last night when I posted, I was drowsy and feeling a bit drunk after taking allergy medication. It seems like, lately, I only write in here when I am out of it. Nice.
Ok, so the Yosemite trip wasn't totally awash. We went to Yosemite Sugarpine Railroad and Tyler got to ride a train and pan for gold. Riding the train was more for him and panning for gold was more for me cause I've always wanted to do that! I mean, always...ever since we learned about the Gold Rush in third grade. Who knew it was so lame, like just hold the pan and move it around in slight circles. Anyways, Tyler didn't care too much for it and has already lost the gold flakes he got as a souvenir. (Darn it. Thought my dentist could make me something special for my teeth.)
Couple of thoughts on the ride back from Yosemite.
Thought #1- I would really LOVE a reality show about farmers. Yes, farmers! Wouldn't that be so exciting. I'm not kidding here. I would love to see how they live, what they plant, etc. I'm sure they have some tricks up their sleeves about growing a thing or two and I would love to learn! Well, because, you see, I pretty much kill everything I plant. (Side story: Tyler's Montessori requests that every student bring in a small plant to care for while they are at school. I sent one and that died, so I sent another one and that died too! Just being touched by me means imminent death for poor plants!) I think it would be cool to see where these fruits and veggies end up? In America? For dinner at a home? Gourmet restaurant? 99 cents only stores? I just think it would be fascinating. Just a thought I had while we were driving down on the 5.
Thought #2- I hate freeway bullies! You know who they are. For a very short time, Jason asked if I would drive. This is the first time since we've known each other that he has asked me to drive while he was in the car so he must have been dead tired. Anyways, while I was driving, there was this BMW behind my car, getting all close, like, just threatening me to move faster. And, all the while the lane next to us was wide open! What a freeway bully, right? LOSER! I thought to myself. He doesn't have any power or success whatsoever in his life so he gets a nice car and bullies people on the road. For some reason, it irritates me more if the car is something equivalent to a Pinto. I don't know why, but it does. I don't drive a nice car, but don't be threatening me with a dang Pinto!
Thought #3- I think apple farms are very romantic. Don't you? There is something about rows and rows of neatly planted apple trees. Can't be any other tree. Only apple trees. It reminds me of Fall, of warm apple cider, of apple pies, of fresh baby applesauce, or crisp cool weather. You would think that I've gone to an apple farm before. Well I haven't and that is one of my life goals. To find an apple farm and leap through the trees with little to think about but how grand life is. Yes, I actually thought this while I was driving on the 5. Now, if I could only be certain that what I was looking at were apple trees.
Tomorrow is Sunday and I'm teaching Tyler's class at church. It's really nothing big. Only thirty minutes. Nothing to stress about at all. It's fun to look at Tyler when I am teaching. I wonder what he is thinking- Why is my mom weird? or My mom is so cool. :) When I first asked him if I could be his teacher, he said, "No, I just want you to be my mommy." When I explained to him that I could be his mommy and be a teacher at the same time, he said, "Oh, ok then." So cute, huh?
The other day he surprised me when he said, "Mommy, the mountains are marvelous." Marvelous! haha, I was laughing. What a kid!
He wanted to take his bike to camp and he said, "I think Chase will want this when we go camping." Funny kid. He knows that Chase can't ride it. HE wanted to bring it!
Before he goes to sleep, he starts every prayer with, "Dear God, Thank you for a wonderful day today and tomorrow...." And then adds the funniest cutest things ever. For example, I was telling him during the day that werewolves come out when there is a full moon and he added to his prayer, "Please protect me from the werewolves."
I love it! I love him! He brings so much joy and happiness. He is truly a good boy and I'm so lucky to be his mom.
And let's not forget Chase! He is growing so big, already looking like little boy. My favorite thing from Chase at the moment is when he walks to me with outstretched arms and hugs me with triumph.
I can't believe that once Chase leaves babyhood, there will be no more little baby noises in our house. Though I often say that I can't wait for that day to come, I'm sure that I will look back and miss these days with all my heart and try to relive these days in my memories.
My mind is kind of all over the place. Excuse me. It is 2:30 in the morning. I find this is the best time to write. The boys are quiet and the crickets are my only companions. The world is still and I just write....