You would think that parents would have some more places to take their children on a perfectly beautiful Saturday afternoon other than Mulligan's Family Fun Center. I couldn't believe how many full size and half size humans could be packed into an arcade with deafening loud noises. Damn. There was a list of names of birthday boys and girls up on a dry erase board, and I swear there was more than thirty names on the list. Couldn't believe it myself.
The flower girl and Ethan didn't hit it off. Actually, Ethan pretty much ran away when he saw the girl and we had to chase after him. I realize that guys are just clueless around girls. It starts at a young age and never changes.
Then, we went to Downtown Brea and ate dinner. I ordered spaghetti, and it came out looking like a huge pot pie! It was practically a spaghetti pot pie...a little wierd. I learned that one future brother-in-law is as liberal as they come and the other future brother-in -aw a staunch Republican conservative. Makes for some heated political discussions around the dinner table.
Well, I went to the gym this morning and was in shock at the state of my body. See, the past few times, I've been covering up my body with layers of sweats. This time, I wore my short short black daisy dukes, the ones I ran in all last year getting ready for the marathon. (Jen, you know which ones I'm speaking of!!) And, I couldn't deny that my body is much bigger than last year. I have three months to get myself back in shape. And, I don't think this working out business is doing anything. So, I know that the best way for me to lose weight is to not let any morsel of food pass my big lips. Damn. I'm even considering going to the We Care Spa in Palm Springs for a couple of days to drink only liquids and waste away. Fun!