We spent yesterday celebrating Rich's 21st birthday. Funny. I thought he was already 21. It was a lot of fun at Claud and Dave's new pad. I was having fun until I saw mom's friend hold my brand new Tumi laptop bag that I have been saving to use. I don't want to be petty and selfish about my things, but what the hell?! I tried to be composed about it and told my mom to get it back immediately. Again...what the hell? I mean, who is like, "Oh, what did I find here? A brand new Tumi bag. Let me NOT try to find out who it belongs to. Let me just USE it or GIVE to someone to use it." ARRGHH!!! Some people!
Susan is in Peru.... lucky girl. I've glad to hear that you have internet. Thanks so much for doing my dishes and killing winged termites before you left the States. Keep the posts coming along!
Jenn will be here on Wednesday! I am sooooo excited! Haven't seen Jenn is a a lifetime and a half because girlfriend has been traveling the WORLD for MONTHS. I'm not exaggerating. She's been to countries I could only dream of going to. I can't wait to see all her pictures and she can't wait to see Tyler for the first time!
Mentioning Susan and Jenn, I would be amiss if I didn't give a shout out to Jen! Thought you were engaged, girl and almost had a heart attack! But, I should have known that the source was shady and that my girl would tell me first! Tell me when I can send things to your new address.
This week will be very hectic as I get ready for the first day of school, September 6th. I have so much stuff to do it's crazy. If by any chance you are in the Westwood area and would like to give a hand to a poor teacher, give me a ring. I will love you forever.
This is turning into a couple of emails but I have to add: Jenny, if you are reading this, give me a ring! (Charlie, tell her to call me!) Where have you been?!
Ok, one last one: YO! YO! YOLANDA! I am so happy to hear/read that you are happy and in love! :) We SERIOUSLY need to get together really soon to relive candy sales, dances, and orange halls.
Ok, well, wish me tons of luck this week because I am stressing out like crazy here!