Spaz Attack
Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Friday, July 29, 2005
Let's say you were invited to a party. Now, would you invite two more people to come before you asked the host if you could?
I just got a phone call from someone who was invited to my mother in laws b-day party saying that two more people were coming tomorrow. Ok, so it's not a big deal. Like Alcia Silverstone says in Clueless, "You just need to hall ass into the kitchen and rearrange a few things." But still! It's the principal of the thing! Don't you think that person should have asked me FIRST? It's not about there not being enough food, but also, I needed to take into consideration that our apartment is not big enough to hold the two extra people...there's already so many people that it's going to be uncomfortable for everyone as is! Lastly, I'm sure the people who were invited by my guest are wondering why they weren't invited by me in the first place (and there are reasons, by the way) which causes a sticky situation for me. I just don't get some people. I would never invite people to someone else's event without asking the host first.
Really, it's not that big of deal. It's just something I would never do.
Thursday, July 28, 2005
Though I have nothing special to write about, I feel the need to write for the few of you who might check this site and be disappointed that I don't post more often. Today my mom came over and she totally helped me with Tyler and cleaned up our apartment because she knew I was semi stressing out about the little party on Saturday. Aren't moms great?
I was watching my mom with Tyler and I wonder how that hold your baby's baby.
Monday, July 25, 2005
Whew, what a weekend. We went to a dol (baby's first birthday), a wedding, and a birthday party. I'm pooped!
Today, Tyler's double eyelid jumped from his right eye to his left. It's so funny. He never has two double eyelids. Sometimes, it's on his left, sometimes, on the right, but never at the same time.
This Saturday, we'll be hosting a birthday party for my mother in law at our place and of course, I'm stressing out because that means I have to plan a menu, go buy everything and make everything. Geez, I'm thinking of just getting it catered!
Today, on the agenda: Costco with my dad and mall with my mother in law.
This is my life!
Thursday, July 21, 2005
We shaved Tyler's head and he looks like a little fat Buddha. I wish I could take pictures and post them but Jason took our one working camera to work. Tyler also got his shots yesterday and after he was weighed, I asked the doctor where he was as far as percentiles and the doctor said, "Oh Tyler is off the charts." haha. He keeps growing and changing everyday. He is SUCH a good boy. I swear, I got lucky with my first and I'm going to get a difficult baby the second time around. You can't get this lucky twice. Well, I better run. Today is baby school day (what I like to call his Gymboree classes.) The class is a hoot and a holler. I just love going and seeing all the babies!
Monday, July 18, 2005
I've been going back and forth about if I should work this upcoming school year. All along, Jason has just said that it is my decision to make. One minute, especially when I am spending money, I think it would be nice to have some extra income so I could spend without feeling so guilty! Then, when I think about leaving Tyler, I don't think I could do it. Well, I made up my mind while playing with Tyler at his Gymboree class. He looked so happy to be singing and playing and I was so happy to be next to him. So that is when I decided that I will not work next year.
Thursday, July 14, 2005
Time for some Chinese food!
Congrats Susan! (I got the ajuma haircut!)
Jason is already teaching Tyler football!
Tyler likes to read in his spare time. His favorite character is Clifford.
Look how much he has grown! I have to add that the pants Tyler is wearing is 18-24 months...what a fatty!
Talking to grandpa.
Tyler is taking his morning nap and I'm loving it. I'm catching up on xangas and looking up stuff online. I never know how long my "free time" will last so I always feel like I'm on edge. The last few weeks have been so much fun. Jason finally joined us in LA and we had two weeks of being together as a family. We spent most of our days shopping for stuff since we got rid of most of our stuff when we left Portland. Moving CAN be fun if you throw out most of your stuff and get all new stuff! (Weikuo, you're right!) Jason started his new job this Monday, and Tyler and I stayed at home most the time this week. I'm contemplating taking Tyler to a Gymboree class this afternoon. I've never been to one so I have no idea what to expect but I think it is a bunch of mommies and their babies listening to music, doing baby massage, and playing games. I wonder if he is too young to enjoy that kind of stuff.
Tyler is getting bigger and bigger every day! It's amazing to see him change. I love my little man! Yesterday, he scratched his face with his long nails and I feel like a bad mom when I see his face right now. Hopefully, the red marks will go away soon.
I love being a mommy! In the beginning, it was really hard for me. Tyler had major gas issues the first month which caused him to cry a lot, but now, he is the sweetest baby ever. I bet he cries less than 5 minutes a day! He is slowly getting on a regular schedule too so I know when to expect his naps. I especially love the way he smells. It's not the smell of the shampoos or lotions, but that baby smell. Gosh, he is a cutie pie!