Thanksgiving is over. Some family members came over and we feasted on turkey, ham and all the trimmings until we all felt like overstuffed turkeys ourselves.
Finally, after much anticipation, my family went to watch Elf last night and it ended up being a big disappointment. All, and I mean all, the funny scenes were on the previews. This one could definitely have waited until it was on cable.
After 7 years of crystal clear vision thanks to Lasik, my eyes are getting exponentially worse. It’s happening so quickly, I could actually see the week to week progression, if you could believe that. Two days ago I went to workout, and I couldn’t see my own face staring back at me. Not that my bloated, huffing puffing, cherry red face would have been a sight to see, but it was very upsetting nonetheless. I mean, I was at the exact spot I was at just months ago! Very very upsetting.
So, I thought we were going shopping today, but everyone is still sleeping! I am hungry and want to raid the frig for leftovers but the little ones are sleeping downstairs and I don’t want to wake them up! What is a girl to do? Can’t go shopping. Can’t even eat!
I am thinking of going to Europe during my winter break (again!…Not “again”….like GO again, but “again”…like THINKING about it again.). Anyway, the only thing holding me back is the temperature during this time of year. If it is too cold, I know I will spend all the time indoors, frightened to go outside, complaining that it is too cold. Nah, maybe it is better if I hold off until the summer.
I’ve been pretty restless lately. I feel like I should take some classes. I want to read, learn something, write a paper...something. Now that I am out of school, I want to be back in school! The grass is always greener....
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!! :)