Allen was in LA for the weekend so we had dinner at Yamashiros last night. The night sky was so clear, the city lights below twinkled like millions of Christmas lights. It was absolutely beautiful. Then we went to Universal City Walk, and, well, walked.
Allen and I met in Korean class my junior year at Berkeley. I call him a “bad influence” because he was the first person to take me to KoKo (Berkeley’s poor excuse of a Korean bar), he was the first person I ever drank with (so, so naughty!), etc, etc. Well, it was great seeing him again.
I have been extra tired lately and I just can’t understand why. I think I get enough sleep. Allen told me the reason might be getting too much sleep. Could that be it? For the past three weeks, I have been drinking coffee and caffeinated sodas just to keep my head up and my eyes open! I have to do something about this. Should I go see someone? Maybe something is wrong with me. (yeah, yeah, be quiet.)
Jen is back! Jen was away on a rendezvous with Vinh for her Spring Break. It is nice to have her back. Just knowing that someone is in the other room is comforting. This morning, I talked my mouth away telling her the latest updates. It’s amazing how all my thoughts come out first thing in the morning as if it laid dormant and repressed all night just dying to get out.
Did I tell you that I absolutely love being single again? I feel so free!!…freeeee!! As of now, I am enjoying my freedom so much that I am actually scared that it will be difficult for me to go back. There are so many things that I want/ need to do before I get into another serious relationship. I will list these things for you at another date. Something to look forward too!