Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, March 19, 2012

good news, everyone! we finally found THE house!! yay!! i'm so does "make sense!" all of it just fell into place. after looking at so many old ass, nasty, overpriced homes in granite bay, ca, we decided to go a tad bit north and look in a newer city called rocklin. thanks to some help and info from a high school buddy richard ng, we found the perfect house! it's getting built right now and, if all goes as planned, we'll be moving in the end of july! yay! can you tell i'm happy?! i just visited the neighborhood school and the principal was so sweet and gave me a impromptu tour and i felt so welcomed! :)

the ONLY bad thing about this decision is that we already registered the boys' for school next year at tyler's current private school in granite bay thinking we would find a house near there, and i'm sure that the registration fee is nonrefundable. sadness! :( that's a good chunk of change! i'm hoping they'll give me something for that money...maybe give me credit and let the boys go to summer camp on credit so i don't feel like we've completely threw away the money down the toilet?!

in any case, i feel "good." you know, when you just know that you've made the right decision? that's how i feel right now.

thank you to all of you who helped me in this process. thanks for all of you who listened to me cry and whine and vent through this frustrating time. thank you to claud for listening every day to the ups and downs of house searching. thank you to jen who helped me sooo much and for hooking me up with lance (though i never called him...sorry!). thank you to chris for making the home search sound actually fun and exciting! thank you to weikuo and susan for the words of encouragement and support! thank you to richard ng (don't think he will read this!) for helping us find our home! thank you jess and rich for seeing the house with us yesterday (please move here!).  thank you jesus for always providing and having a master and better plan for us.

i'm sounding like i've just received award or something, right?! because i am that excited! i can't wait to finally get settled and FEEL settled and not feel like things are so temporary. that will be a good feeling. yay....cheers all around. wish i could share a nice sweet fruity cocktail drink with y'all today! yup, on a monday morning!


Anonymous susan said...

yay! congrats! can't wait to see pictures of it! :)

9:51 PM  
Blogger Christine said...

awww, i am SOOO happy for you that the stress is over, but more importantly that it felt right. then you know you made the right decision. i can't wait to see it someday and see the pics! congrats!

10:24 PM  
Blogger WK said...

Congratulations, Cristina! I am thankful for every day I get to spend in my home, and I know you will find the same happiness as well with your house!

11:47 PM  

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