Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, January 17, 2005

Turned on Enrique Inglesia's Escape CD yesterday and felt quite nostalgic. I think the CD came out about the time that Weiker, Jen, and I moved into our apartment in LA and the songs reminded me of us playing Hero on repeat and belting along with Enrique as he screams the words, "Don't turn off the lights!" Those were fun days together.

I've been so emotional lately. Last week on Oprah, she had a show about mircale babies. I missed the beginning but turned to the show when some lady was on who had twins after being artificially inseminated with her dead husband's sperm. Her and her husband were married only four months prior to him being diagnosed with cancer. He had to have chemotherapy. Knowing that chemotherapy might hurt their chances of having a family in the future, they decided to freeze his sperm before he started his treatments. After a courageous fight, he died in her arms at home in their bed. As she was giving account of their final days together, tears just came falling and falling down my face. I could only imagine the pain of losing the love of your life, and even the thought was unbearable.


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