Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Sunday, January 16, 2005

To add onto my growing list of physical ailments, I just burned my pinky finger pretty badly heating up some BBQ chicken pizza in the oven. It stings like hell and makes me cringe when I look at it.

Yesterday, it was a pretty crummy day in Portland. It was so cold that all the streets were iced. No snow. Just icy rain that turned into sheets of ice when it reached the ground. Later at night, on the news, they showed people attempting to walk on the sidewalks and falling on their asses and cars slipping and sliding on the interstate freeway. I've never seen such images before and was surprised by them.

In the morning, we didn't realize how bad the road conditions were so Jason tried to drive into work only to find himself in our car sliding on our apartment driveway nearly missing a telephone phone. He ended up leaving the car there, though it was blocking half the driveway when he saw another car slide into a parked car and dent it. He figured it would be safer just to leave the car there for now and move it once all the ice had thawed. So it seems the weather is getting warmer today and I will have to move it in a couple of hours.

Jason left for Nashville a couple of hours ago (taking public transportation) for second interviews and will be back Tuesday night. Poor guy. He is really getting sick of airports, airplanes, and all things associated with flying.

I only have two more weeks of work! Yipee! Since Monday is a holiday, (Thank you, Martin Luther King for you and your dreams.) I only have 9 more working days. It's a good thing because I am really exhausted by the end of the school day. My skin is being stretched to unbelievable lengths, there is pressure all over the bottom half of my body, and I swear my bladder has become a small pouch that can only half an ounce of fluid. It just feels best to be in the comforts of home when things get too uncomfortable.

I'm getting all these samples of baby products in the mail lately and I wish you could see the newborn diapers! They are just too cute and smell to nice to be used as diapers!


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