Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

In one of my classes, some students asked if they could have a small party to celebrate Dia de los Reyes today. I was a little hesitant but I thought a small celebration might boost the morale in this class so I agreed. Well, the students came in today bringing: burritos, nachos, chimichagas! I couldn't believe my eyes! They had called each other the night before to plan everything. They even brought a can of soda for everyone, candy and Mexican bread!! Someone even brought his extensive collection of CD's to play music! I couldn't believe it! These are the same kids that don't turn in homework, forget everything that I have taught, and complain they don't have time at night to read. Geez...but if it means getting out of doing real work in the class, they go ALL out! I see how it is!


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