Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Thursday, December 23, 2004

Dude, I came home this morning from dropping Jason off and after eating breakfast, I slept for two more hours. It's incredible how I'm tired from doing nothing! Jason is so sweet. He says, "Honey, you're not doing nothing! You're making a baby!" Real cute.

I know my previous post was a bit random. I was just thinking of this one couple that Jason and I know. Almost every time we go over to their house, the wife wears these sweatpants. I know that the husband hates them because he has mentioned it to us several times. And every time I see her in these pants, I always ask myself, "Gosh, if my husband hated something that much, would it kill me to NOT to wear it?" Out of shear respect for him, it wouldn't.

So Christmas is around the corner. It doesn't really feel like it...minus all the money we spent on gifts!! Yesterday, I bought myself a box of assorted See's Chocolates. What a loser?! I mean, come on now, who buys See's for themselves? As a teacher, I am so accustomed to getting a box every year and since I didn't get nada, nil, from anyone this year, I just had to. It just wouldn't feel like Christmas without a box so I bought it for my dang self and opened it in front of Jason, over enthusiastically saying, "I wonder what it is!... What do you know? My favorite...chocolates!"

I also bought a queen size aero bed. You know, the bed that inflates in like 60 seconds. We're expecting visitors around the time Tyler is born so we thought that a aero bed would come in handy for all our visitors! At least they don't have to spend money on a hotel, right? We tested it out yesterday night and it seemed alright until Jason noticed this morning that it had deflated over night. We're going to have to test it again tonight and make sure HE followed the instructions correctly.

I have all these errands to run today. For one, I have to go back to Hollywood Video. See, this morning, I dropped off two DVD's: I, Robot and Eternal Sunshine in the drop box. While I did this, I accidentally dropped in the coupon for a free rental of Collateral (Since they were out of it and it had been "guaranteed.")I'm going all the way back for my coupon. Who said I wasn't cheap? Who. Who. Who.

I am so all over the place today but this is one of my favorite childhood jokes:
You say to someone: "Someone called you an owl."
They respond, over and over again: "Who? Who? Who? Who?
And you crack up in their face! Get it? Who! Owl!

Tyler already has so many cute clothes. I can't wait to put it on him. I bought almost $200 worth of stuff at Gap the other day (which is a lot because baby clothes are really cheap!) and I felt silly when the lady behind the counter asked me when I was due while looking at the tags that read, "6-9 months." Seeing that most of it was in different shades of blue, she was like, "Oh, let me's a boy!". Yes, you nilly. Anyways, I don't know why I felt silly buying all this stuff for my son and by her question...I just want to be a prepared mom!


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