Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Thursday, December 16, 2004

So I totally had a PMS episode yesterday. I was down and grouchy. (I know! You would think that pregnant women wouldn't have PMS!! Well, I guess they can!) Anyways, Jason asked me what was wrong and through my tears, I answered, "EVERYTHING!" When Jason asked me what "everything" meant, I said, "Cause I'm fat! And we have to do laundry! And I had my blood taken out yesterday from my right arm and my right arm is sore and today, I had to get a flu shot on my left arm and now my left arm is sore too! And, the trash stinks! And I have a horrible headache. And did I say that I am fat?!" Jason just laughed and laughed in my face until my tears turned to laughter too. Why, oh why?

The doctor told me to keep my fat ass in Portland until the baby is born. Since I have been flying a lot lately for Jason's interviews, she told me that I had used up all my "baby frequent flyer miles" and that I should stay put. What a bummer. Other than our little ghetto tree, it sure doesn't feel like Christmas at all. I still have tons of cards to write and we haven't purchased one single gift! Yeah...

I'm going to look on the bright side. After today, I only have one more day and then I get two weeks off!! Yipee kai yeah!


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