I don't know what it means to "look korean," but this month alone, I have been told by a handful of people that I don't look Korean. This coming from Koreans and non- Koreans. The Korean realtor in Detroit who showed me around couldn't believe that it took her half a day to realize that I was Korean. She said that she assumed that I had gotten my last name, Kim, from my husband after getting married. The Shiseido girl said she was "really shocked" after I understood what she was saying to another Korean customer. The wife of an attending in Nashville said to me at dinner, "I hope this question doesn't offend you, but I was just wondering, are you full Korean?" After I answered that no, I wasn't offended and yes, I was full Korean, she said, "But I know a lot of Koreans and you don't have their features." Hmmm...I don't know what to make of my sudden unKoreanness.
Well, actually, these kind of comments aren't completely new to me. I once had a hispanic co-worker tell me that I looked hispanic and I once had someone tell me that I had "black features" with my bigger, or should I say fuller, lips and prominent forehead. But I haven't had so many similiar statements in such a short time frame.
I find these kind of comments rather odd. What makes someone look like they're part of one race? I think there are different features in all races. Don't you? Just some food for thought....
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