Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

i feel like such a bad mommy right now. :(

-missed baseball game this morning
-didn't finish hw last week
-went out to eat greasy chinese food last night
-didn't go to piano or jjs lesson last week
-haven't really been working with chase too much lately
-haven't been reading to the boys as much as i like to
-had to cancel korean school and ask for credit for another sememster and the principal wasn't too happy with me

you know what it is? we just have too many activities for tyler and he is stretched out toooooo thin. poor kid! poor mommy!

i kid you not- poor tyler wakes up, goes to school, does one or two activites every weekday after school, comes home to eat dinner and is sooo tired he falls asleep within two minutes of being in bed. it's so sad. i mean, he is not really practicing all the activities that he should be practicing on a daily basis because he has NO time whatsoever. ok, something has to change. it's pretty bad when we have like two activities lined up at the SAME TIME and i have ulcers thinking of excuses to get out of one and think that i'm getting some teacher or coach upset.

i'm done with all this. we're going to have to do some weeding of activities. it's sad because he does enjoy each activity and i want him to learn and experience everything, but when he (and i) can't humanly DO all these things, it's too much.

i just want more quiet time at home with my boys!!

urgh.. what a horrible morning.

feeling like you are the worst mommy is such a bad feeling.


Blogger Christine said...

i totally understand how you feel. i feel like brady is already burnt out and he doesn't even do that much right now. pulling him out of some things for a few months before kinder so that he doesn't get too burnt out before he starts real school. tyler is a good's not your fault he's a genius...or is it since it is part of your genes.

9:13 PM  

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