I cried yesterday. For a little bit. For a stupid reason. I cried because I am sick and tired of eating...really, really sick of it. It's not the actual part of eating (well, maybe a little) but just being CAPTIVE to my hunger all the time is driving me up the wall. I hate cooking, I hate thinking about what to eat, I don't want to eat, but my empty stomach and guilt of knowing that I HAVE to eat makes me. Does that make any sense? Since my stomach feels like it's empty all the freakin' time, I am constantly thinking about food and it really got on my nerves last night. Oh, and when I eat, the GUILT of eating something unhealthy and thinking that I have to eat something good all the time has to end soon too. I hate thinking, "Is there any nutritional value in that?" which will help my baby grow and thrive? Because usually the answer is that there isn't and that is when I want my mom here to cook me some good Korean food and I whine with self pity. Just yesterday, it was with tears.
4 more weeks...
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