Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Wednesday, February 09, 2005

Now that I'm not working, most of my hours are spent wondering if we bought the best stroller and infant car seat or if we should return it for something lighter but with less features. Or, like Jen, staring at the wall. Or watching ever so exciting paternity tests on Maury. ("Who's the daddy?")

Yesterday, I was over ambitious and ventured out into the world with my huge belly.

First, I went to the mall, where I met a super gay guy at Bath and Body Works who wanted to buy me lavender essence oil for my labor room. Like Susan always says, I attract all the weirdos. I told him it was quite alright and then he went into a long diatribe of different oils and how they have different effects on him. Imagine a huge black guy holding onto a tiny 1 ounce bottle of ginger essence oil to his chest and saying, "This one makes me feel sensual." As I was leaving he asked when my due date was. After I told him, he squealed, "Oh, if you give birth three days before, your son and I will share birthdays!" Oh God, please no...

Then to Target, where a employee walked by and said in a startled voice, "Oh my!" as she stared at my burgeoning belly. Is it that bad? Am I that big? What was the "Oh my!" for? Thanks lady. Oh, and I ended up purchasing two toys for Tyler that I know are way to advanced for him developmentally at this time (I'm sure you'll agree since he's not even born yet!), but I just couldn't resist.

Then off to Toys R Us to buy Jason's nephew's birthday gift, a $25 dollar gift card so HE could pick out his own gift. I bought him a couple of books in the past for other occasions and Jason told me that I am becoming the aunt who gives horrible gifts! Man, what kid doesn't enjoy Cat in the Hat and Oh, The Places You Will Go! I should have taken the hint when Ethan once said to me, "I'm bored. I don't want to read anymore" and ran away from me as I tried to chase him down with Hungry Catepiller. But, "Aunt Who Gives Horrible Gifts" will not be a label that I shall be given! It is time I change my ways!

Then off to the market with intentions of making dinner. However, by the time I got home, I was completely exhausted and Jason and I ended up picking up two slices of pizza to enjoy while watching Idol.

I paid big time for my all day excursion at night because my back ached more than usual, my legs felt like they were on fire and even my hands felt sore! I think I will just stay in today and watch some more Maury. "Who's the daddy?!"


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