Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Thursday, February 24, 2005

I want Tyler to come but at the same time, I want him to stay put! I won't be ready for him to enter this world until our place in immaculate and and our car is spotless. Jason is getting anxious and spent the morning coaching Tyler, in utero, on how to break the bag of water. He told Tyler to "scratch or poke it, " while showing him how to do it. It was actually quite funny!

The doctor told me that she wouldn't be surprised if I went into labor sometime before Tuesday! Of course, she couldn't say with 100% certainty, but that was her prediction. I've been having contractions lately. Not too painful. They feel like cramps and my tummy gets really hard, like a basketball. But I don't think I'm quite in labor yet because people say that you will KNOW when it is true labor, so I guess I'm not.

I've got my hospital bag all packed with: lip balm, slppers, hard candy, hot pack, aromatherapy, massage ball, straws, Gatorade, water, baby book (for his hand and footprint) and much more! I even bought Popsicles to take to the hospital with me! It's suppose to help to eat them right before the pushing part. I think I went a little overboard with the packing but I rather be safe than sorry...I have no idea what to expect!

More updates to come!


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