We just got back from a doctors appointment and it makes me proud to announce that my baby is in the 97% weight range for his age! That's my little fatty!
I'm counting down the days till I'm back in LA...June 11th to be exact. Tyler and I will be flying down so I'm dreading the flight. I hope he sleeps throughout the flight and isn't one of those babies that cries and cries and illicits nasty stares from other passengers. (Oh, please sleep Tyler!)
There has been a little bit of drama in the Kim household as Jason's father is very unhappy with our choice of middle name for Tyler, Jaden, since it isn't the Korean name that he carefully picked out for his precious grandson, Sae Hyun. I didn't think it would be such a big deal. Claudia, Rich and I all don't have Korean middle names, but that is still our Korean name! I'm willing to change it, but I don't want to keep hearing that "everyone does it like that." I don't care what other people do! I more willing to change it if he explains to me why it is important to him that his grandson (first son of a first son at that, which seems to be very important here even though Jason is a twin though he beat his brother down the canal) retains some of his Korean heritage, etc, etc. Don't tell me that everyone else does it like that like that should make me change my mind..it won't! Anyways, so a little bit of drama but hopefully it will blow over soon. The dramas of being part of a generation still stuck between two cultures. Yay..
I love the phrase pama drama trauma!! hahaha...got that one from Susan's site this morning. I can't wait to go to LA and get my hair done! I've been waiting for months to get my unpregnant ass to LA to do something with my hair. It seems like Jen wants to do something different. Susan...you too? I thought, for literally, a second to chop off my hair but I don't want to turn into an ajuma too soon. Please, my life has been taking leaps this past year and I have to show down the aging process...if only with my hair! I used to perm my hair every other year. It was quite the trend in my book. 7th grade. straight. 8th grade. spiral perm...more like ramen head. 9th grade. straight. 10th grade. another perm. 11th grade. straight. 12th grade. perm! What a crazy girl, ruining my hair like that. What the hell was I thinking? Anyways, I even got a perm after college. I just get this perming "itch" that I have to stratch once in a great while. I hope that itch doesn't come any time soon. Can you imagine me with child in tow with an ajuma perm? Damn, hopefully that won't come for decades.
LA...here I come. I've missed you tremendously and will never ever take you for granted again. I know you're not perfect (talk about smog and traffic) but I will love you till the day I die.
In and out....here I come! Get your chocolate shakeys ready for my fat ass!
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