Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Tuesday, March 01, 2005

I am so annoyed!! Let me explain. In the past month or two, I've been getting emails about some mobile community from people. At first, I didn't give it much thought at all, but when I received some that read, "This is the second request from ...." and "This is the third request from...," I was curious and clicked on the site. It didn't give me too much information about what it was on the homepage so I gave some basic information to see if I could find out what all this was all about. Well, after like a minute, I STILL didn't know what the hell it was so I clicked out of it. NOW, I think that this site sent out emails to EVERYONE in my address book requesting them to sign up under me! Some people have been emailing me and asking me what this is all about. Since the subject read, "Cristina Kim's invite," people have been asking me if this is an invitation for a baby shower or something!!!

Gosh, this makes me so annoyed!! I don't want to bother people with stupid emails. I hate getting forwards and I hate getting things like that in my mailbox so to think that I caused other people to get some stupid email about some stupid mobile community really makes me mad! PLUS, my address book is so random, with people's email addresses from like high schoool and college...some I haven't kept in touch in YEARS. I even have email addresses from contacts I've made through my job, like principals. And, I even have addresses of people that I barely even know because if they contact me even once, it goes into my adress book. Urgh!

I'm just annoyed so please let me vent.

And if you got this from me, I am sorry!


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