Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, July 26, 2004

I am too tired to write, eat, breathe. It's so sad.

Yesterday, when I was coming back to Portland from Los Angeles, the plane was overbooked so they asked for volunteers to take the next flight. For volunteering, they were offering a free ticket to anywhere that United flies. I was like, "What the heck. It's only a two hour wait. Plus, Jason and I have been planning to go to New York in September" So I volunteered. Then, five minutes later, I was just sitting down, and this man asked me if I was Cristina Park. I said yes and he told me that the stewardess had made a mistake and that I could take my flight. I was like Ok. He escorted me to the plane and right before I was about to walk in he gave me something that looked like a ticket and said, "We still have to give you these free tickets for volunteering." Isn't that cool? Yeah! :)


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