Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Friday, July 16, 2004

I just spoke to the Verizon Wireless man and he gave me $50 in credit for nothing! I didn't even ask him for it! We were about to hang up and he just says "I'll give you $50 credit." Cool! I ain't going to argue with more money in my wallet. I think he felt bad because I've been going over my minutes tremendously for the last five months. (Like $50-$60 over. Stupid, I know.)Plus, he seemed really excited when I told him my change of address because he used to live in the apartment building next to ours. Cool. We bonded over our similar zip codes.
It's finally hit me. I need to get a job. I just can't do nothing for a whole year. Even though Jason tells me to "take it easy, don't stress," I feel this tinge of guilt. The fun of doing nothing has ended.


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