Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, November 01, 2004

I'm in the mood to post some pictures. I wish I could post more pictures but I find it way too time consuming. Plus, I haven't been taking that many pictures lately. Maybe once Peanut joins us.

Two of the most memorable students from the first class I ever taught. They are in fifth grade now. I think about them often and will remember them forever.

Taken at the end of the first race Jen and I ever ran. What an exciting day! We look exhausted, but thrilled that we finished in one piece!

Me and my hubby.

I took this picture when Jason and I went to Palm Springs and touched it up a bit on my computer. It makes me want to go back to LA, even though it wasn't taken there.

Hope to post more pictures in the future.


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