Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Saturday, November 20, 2004

The cravings have started. I nearly cried when I had my last bite of Dreyer's Rocky Road this morning because I wanted more!

We have so much to do before we leave tomorrow: clean up, laundry, pack, meet with Thumper's sitter, pick up dry cleaning. I guess it's not too much but all things that I dread. I really don't know what I'll be doing in Detroit as Jason has his interviews for most of the day. Jason told me that some real estate lady will be showing me the Detroit area on Monday and Tuesday; I'm guessing that she is hoping to sell us a house. I think that's a lot of time and effort on her part when we don't even know where we'll be next year.

I can't wait to be in LA for Thanksgiving, be with family and eat good food. I can't wait to show my growing belly to my family. I think they'll be amazed and hopefully, Tyler will do some kicks for them!

Happy Birthday to my monkey! :) hehe. And no, it's not Jason's birthday. I have a lot of monkeys in my life!


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