Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Sunday, August 15, 2004

Jason and I went to the Portland Zoo yesterday and all I can say is one word: WEAK!! There were barely any animals and we toured the whole place in about an hour! We weren't able to see half the animals because some were hidden out of sight, probably sleeping in some shade. Jason said that it was a conspiracy and that the hidden animals are probably never in the cages to begin with. That would be funny.

Well, my body doesn't feel the same. I am tired all the time. I mean, my schedule looks like this: wake up, eat breakfast, go back to sleep, get up, clean up a bit, eat lunch, go back to sleep, pick Jason up, eat dinner, go back to sleep. Wake up in the morning and do it again!! Fun! Isn't my schedule mind boggling?!

Time to go back to sleep now...


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