Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Wednesday, June 09, 2004

I have the biggest tension headache right now. I wish I could call in for a sub but my class is going on a field trip to the California Science Center today. Damn. I think I will try to get a massage sometime soon. (Anyone down to make a trip to Burke and Williams with me? Jen? Susan?) That's the only thing that seems to help these kinds of headaches for me. Wierd huh?

Yesterday we went to look at Tahoes and all we came back with are In n Out burgers. What was I saying about self control?

This Friday, I am getting all my wisdom teeth pulled for no other reason than, "I don't like them!" My dentist told me that I really don't need to take them out, that I am "very advanced in my evolution" so they all came out perfectly straight and should not cause any problems in a long time. Anyways, I am thinking of cancelling my appointment because I've just learned that I have a retirement party on Saturday and a birthday party on Sunday that should involve great food and I want to eat! Plus, I'm getting scared. But if I'm going to take them out eventually, I rather take them out now when, because of my age, I don't have as many responsibilites and my body will heal quicker. Maybe I should just wait. Well, we'll see.

Have a great day! I am counting down, but this countdown seems to be lagging. It's going soooo slow.


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