Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Saturday, June 05, 2004

I've been eating and sleeping like crazy since the wedding. It's one or the other all the time. I'm really disgusted at myself because I don't want to be one of those wives who let themselves go, but it looks like that is where I am headed. Gross.

I totally believe that I am not one to eat much. That is, if I lived in a little space bubble, like bubble boy. I am not that into food, it doesn't give me much contentment, and I used to be fine eating one big meal a day. In high school, I would eat a piece of fruit for dinner and that was all I needed. I wasn't starving myself or anything; That's all my body was hungry for. That is when, living with the most overprotective dad, I barely went out.

Now, with all the freedoms of being an adult and being able to go out whenever I want, I feel my belly and thighs growing. See, every gathering or meeting involves sitting down to share a meal. And I hate to be one of those girls who pick at their food like a bird so I eat and eat and eat, looking more like a hog, though I am not even hungry. Plus, the food is set before me and it wouldn't make sense not to eat it.

Well, I know...whine, whine, whine. Must. Have. Some. Self. Control. Must stare at the food and Be. A. Bird. Pick. Pick. Pick.


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