Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

When I was taking Chase to Gymboree, I met another mom and we started talking. As we got to know each other better, she asked me what Jason does. I told her and her response was, " mom is going to be so happy to meet you." (cause I was going over to her house for a function) Then she said, "Man, my mom wanted me to marry a doctor so bad, and I went and married a policeman! She always told me to marry rich. Your mom must be really happy. Did she tell you to marry a doctor too when you were little?" I was like, "No, never." And she seemed shocked and then that made ME shocked, like, why didn't my mom tell me that when I was younger? OK, I know this is going to shock most of you who read this but my mom has NEVER brought that up with Claudia or me when we were growing up... NEVER, EVER told us to marry someone with money or someone who comes from family with money. Nope. Never brought it up. Even I think that is weird. I think that if I had a daughter, I wouldn't tell her to marry someone with a certain occupation, but I would tell her that her life would be easier if she marries someone with money, cause isn't that the truth? I mean, I wouldn't want to see my daughter struggling what parent would? I don't know... I just respect my mom so much. She always told us to marry someone we love (well, asian...she's not perfect!). And when Jason and I were going through fights and break ups before we got married, my mom NEVER once said, "Well, he IS a doctor, Cristina..." Instead, she would say, "Pray about it. Go with your heart." And she would never belittle me. If we broke up, she would say that he is so stupid for letting me go and that I would find someone better! Just something I was thinking about today and thinking that I'm really glad that my mom never put such pressure and stupid ideas in our heads.


Blogger Christine said...

your mom is wonderful which is why you are too. whether she is happy you married a doctor or not, i am since my hubbie goes to see your hubbie every week!

9:57 PM  
Blogger Cristina said...

haha, crack me up!

10:57 PM  

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