Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Saturday, June 19, 2004

I am sooo estatic. School is over and I don't have to go back. Midday, I was thinking of calling it a day, going to get a few drinks with my colleagues, and coming back on Monday to finish up clearing my room for the new teacher, but then, I really asked myself, "Cristina, do you really want to come back on Monday? Finish up today!" I trudged along until I was mentally, physically exhausted and nearly had a nervous breakdown. I called Jason but he was also drained from running around getting signatures to close up and clear up and end his residency, and really was in no mood to put up with me. So I called the next man in my life- Richard. He came to my school in 15 minutes to help me. I love having a brother and I am so glad he didn't go far away to college.

Anyways, I am done with packing up my classroom. Shit, I left so much stuff that I bought with my own money for the new teacher. She might come in and complain that the room isn't perfectly orderly but I hope she realizes that the classroom that I got when I first started teaching was so, so much worse.

Yesterday, was a good first "summer-break day." Claudia and I dropped David and Jason at Mountain View Golf Course and they played with Richard, cousin Matthew, Aunt Jennie, and Uncle David. Later, we had BBQ at my aunt's in her backyard overlooking Los Angeles. It was nice.

Today, we have two Father's Day festivities to go to. Lunch for my dad and dinner for Jason's. Both are BBQ's. I might be a little sick of BBQ by dinner.

This morning I woke up and I had a thought. (I know, "Woah..a thought!) One thing that I miss about college is staying up the whole night and sleeping at dawn. It could be for whatever reason- cramming for the midterm you have to take that day, coming back from a wild rave, or just staying up to talk to a good friend; Whatever the reason, it's so backwards and I love it. I miss it. It's one of those things that probably cannot be planned now with everyone working and with all our adult responsibilities (or could it?). I hope I have one of these long, long nights this summer. Maybe in September when I am in NY? Hmm... That would be awesome.


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