Spaz Attack

Thoughts from a big spaz who has lots to spaz about.

Monday, June 05, 2006

I don't really know why blogger works sometimes at school and other times, it tells me to do something with "cookies." What is that about? Why are they telling me to bake? I am just trying to get online! :)

Anywho, what's up? what's up? We've been going to many places with Tyler lately. Since we both work, we spend each weekend trying to stimulate his growing brain! Poor kid, stuck at home all week. Last week, I had this brillant idea to take him somewhere free...a place that has some good toys that kids could play with... IKEA!! haha...Jason said I am so ghetto!! I pretended to be shopping or waiting for someone in the children's section. Well, he enjoyed himself and I had to drag him out when it was time to leave. He has plenty of toys at home so I left without buying anything (not even a cheap hot dog!) and left feel proud of myself.

This Saturday, like idiots, we went to the zoo. Lest you forget, it was the hottest day of the year or something! Poor Tyler, we have pictures of his sprawed in his stroller, red and sweaty, and dying of heat stroke. I hated being around all those stupid people who never even watch the news for weather information and hated the fact that we were just as stupid. Also, what the heck...all the animals sleeping in their caves! Don't they know we paid good money to see them! What were they thinking, hiding in the shade?! I swear, the only animal that we saw was the seals in the aquarium!!

Yesterday, Jason had to "read." That's what he calls reading a paragraph and falling asleep with ESPN on in the background. Anyways, to let Jason "read," I took Tyler to Target. I realize that Target is a dangerous place. At least for me it is. I thought I would be again, and I was motivated by my trip to Ikea that I would be strong and not buy anything that we didn't need. Well, let me just tell you that I left the place with FURNITURE!! Imagine me, with Tyler in the cart, and a huge ottoman! A man had to help me with the cart cause it was so dang heavy and he must have felt sorry for me. Anyways, I feel bad because I told myself that I am done with instant gratification and that I will work towards SAVING my money. Sadly, my plan is just not working. I had no self control and don't know what DELAYed gratification is. I need things NOW!!! Who cares about tomorrow? The way my brain thinks, "A raining day tomorrow? Heck, have fun on the sunny day today!!!"

Another thing we did this weekend is EAT!!! Like, every meal, we ate out. I hate myself! See, it's that instant gratification thing that I was speaking of!

Well, anyways, time to get the kids. Don't you love when I rant and rave?!


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